Second 2 None

Full information about Establishment and store Second 2 None at Old Sawmills Road, Faringdon, England SN7 7DS. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Old Sawmills Road, Faringdon, England SN7 7DS
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+44 1367 243456


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Second 2 None

Reviews about Second 2 None

  • Mark Johnson
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Avoid! Recently serviced my car here back in September 2017. First problem was they were unable to remove one of the spark plugs stating it is seized. Returned the car under their advice a couple of week later after they poured some "penetrating oil" over the plug for another attempt to remove. Was stated the plug would move a little but not any further. Asked what oil was used and was told it was just standard engine oil! No attempt to use something like PlusGas which I expect would have done the job. Instead the plug is mangled and have been told they need to take the cylinder head off to fix it costing £800!

    Around 6 weeks later the low oil light came on (no oil leak reported on MOT or service sheet) and I had to top up with some oil myself. This morning after 3 months from the service the screen wash has totally run out! I sparingly use my screen wash and my other car serviced back in February still has plenty. To much time wasted during the service trying to remove the spark plug and not filling up the screen wash or draining and refilling the oil despite still being charged for it.

    Called the garage and spoke to the owner and he told me he fills up his screen wash every six weeks! A likely story! Not trust worthy and no apologies given and a complete lack of customer service.
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Second 2 None Vehicle Repairs Ltd - Tyres, Exhausts, Vehicle Services, Wheel Alignment and Repairs | Faringdon, Oxfordshire

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